Broom Broom Make Way, I Want My Christmas Gay
The commercial ‘When Harry met Santa’ celebrates the 50th anniversary of decriminalizing same-sex relationships in Norway
By Arabella Racaza/EMZ
While most of us make sure to make brooms within reach in case of an unforeseen mess, Norwegian’s make sure to do the opposite. They hide away their brooms on Christmas Eve. This tradition roots back from when people believe that witches wander around to steal brooms to ride on.
A heartwarming advertisement featuring Santa Claus having a boyfriend goes viral.
A Norwegian postal service Posten produced the advert showing Santa Claus in a gay relationship. The 4-minute commercial titled ‘ When Harry Meets Santa’ is a queer-love story in commemoration of the upcoming 50th anniversary since homosexuality was legalized in the country. The commercial features the beautiful love story of Santa and Harry.
They have a love-at-first-sight story, wherein everything started to spark when their eyes met each other. And from then on, their magical moment began, their love story continues to sparkle over the years. Every time they would meet each other on Christmas Eve, they would always make sure to celebrate it with love, however, longing is still evident from their eyes.
Thus, on the next year, Harry wrote Santa a wish, stating that “All I want for Christmas is You”
And the inlove Santa showed up earlier for Harry, saying that “Well I arranged some help this year…so I can be with you”.
Aaahhhh, how sweet our Santa is!
In an interview, Monica Solberg, Posten’s Marketing director said that “Posten is an inclusive workplace with great diversity, and we would like to celebrate the 50th anniversary with this fine love story.”
In the context of decriminalization of homosexuality, locally, in the Philippines LGBTQ++ community is still advocating for the legalization of the SOGIE bill. The purpose of the SOGIE Equality Bill is to abide by the 1987 constitution’s rights, particularly the equal protection clause. It acknowledges LGBTQ++ people as equals and ensures that their rights are protected in the same way that everyone else’s are. As of writing, the Bill is still pending in Congress. Let us continue to fight for our rights until we get to celebrate it everyday.
Indeed, true love defies traditions and norms. No need to hide our brooms away, we should celebrate them everyday.
Arabella Racaza is the girl-next-door of a coming-of-age film. A head turner by status quo, she gets what she wants by pretty privilege. Oh, and she only walks on a rose petal paths.